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Voice and Character

This class explores Shannon’s original “vocal layering“ technique for developing character voices. The process is designed to support character work with the huge variety of tools available to us vocally, physically, and emotionally, and to provide a method for exploring and expanding our vocal technique.

  • How do we develop, discover, and commit to specific character choices?

  • What are the many techniques we can use to differentiate and specify character?

  • How do we assimilate those characters so that we can easily access them throughout the length of the book?

  • How do we give ourselves the freedom to play and explore our own voices in narration in order to develop greater range and authenticity?

Class is $99, payable via PayPal (@shannonmarguerite) or Zelle (preferred, 703-861-4261).

Please click here to sign-up at Calendly.

October 5

Physicality and Feeling

December 7

Self-Direction for Narrators