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Far-out Stories: Fantastic and Out-of-This-World

This acting intensive for a Audiobook Narrators will focus on the genres of fantasy and sci-fi.

  • In fantasy and sci-fi, how do we fully commit to and delineate the often wide variety of characters in these genres?

  • How do we discover tone, set the levels of narration energy, and handle, complicated plot lines?

  • How do we create connection and empathy with these sorts of characters?

  • How do we heighten the stakes of the story and create an atmosphere of adventure?

We will be exploring techniques for creating specificity of character and expanding what we have available to us in vocal range and style, and discover ways to deepen our commitment and performance risk- taking in fantasy and sci-fi. Scenes will be provided, and, as always, everyone will have an opportunity to read with direction!

Class is $99, payable via PayPal (@shannonmarguerite) or Zelle (preferred, 703-861-4261).

Friday section runs 6-8pm (Eastern).

Saturday section runs 2-4pm (Eastern).

Please click here sign-up at Calendly.

April 5

Scary Stories: Thrills and Chills